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  • ? : A single character. E.g., trehalose?phosphatase covers both trehalose phosphatase and trehalose-phosphatase, of which, only the latter fits the nomenclature used in this database.
  • * : Any number of characters. E.g.,tre-* brings all genes from trehalase family; coenzyme*A covers coenzyme A, coenzyme-A, and coenzymeA.
Network Biomass WormPaths
FBAFlux Balance Analysis PEAPathway Enrichment Analysis
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Folate biosynthesis (?) Click title to reach WormFlux pathway page with a table of reactions.

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image/svg+xml gtp ahdt dhnpt 6pthp thbpt for h2o h (3) h2o (2) h,(3) pi pppi (2) nadph,(2) h (2) nadp nadp nadph, h nad nadh, h cat-4 Y105C5B.3 ptps-1 ? qdpr-1 cat-2 pah-1 tph-1 tyr-L 34dhphe phe-L trp-L 5htrp o2 h2o o2 h2o o2 h2o thbpt4acam dhbpt pcbd-1 h2o CYTOSOL MITOCHONDRIA for Folate cycle dhnpt Tyrosine metabolism Tryptophan degradation Phenylalaninedegradation

image/svg+xml Transportable in both ways Number of pathway connections None 1 2 3 4 > 4 Transportability Enzymatic reaction Multiple transports Transport Reactions Not in iCEL1314 Transportable between cytosoland extracellular space Transportable between cytosoland mitochondria gene Non-enzymatic reaction n/a Metabolites metabolite metabolite Main metabolite Co-reactant metabolite Not in iCEL1314

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